XXL Woning

From two small homes to one XL living.

17 OCTOBER 2017 

Interior Design / Technical Design / Construction Supervision 

700 m2

The kitchen island with integrated table is completely made of natural stone.

The desire
Merging two 1930s properties into one XL home with large and inspiring living comfort.

The result
The separation wall is the central focal point with a large fireplace and two openings. The fireplace is visible both from the kitchen and the living room, allowing occupants of both rooms to enjoy a nice, crackling wood log fire. By integrating led lighting in the wall it appears to be floating in the space.

The kitchen island with integrated table is completely made of natural stone, and by removing parts of the two upper floors a mezzanine was created. The inside of the roof is now visible from the ground floor, creating an additional spatial effect. The two former kitchens have been combined into a spacious pantry/laundry room and study. The front door of the left house has been removed and replaced with glass. Both staircases remain, creating logical routing within the XL house.

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