
Interior architect and owner Stan van den Wildenberg: “In our designs each space is given a strong identity that suits the client. This is something we can only achieve by really getting to know our client. To us, great commitment and listening carefully is therefore the basis for good design.”

binnenhuisarchitect Wildenberg

Interior design

The first phase, the interior design, revolves around the desires, possibilities and expectations of the client. Stan: “Being sincerely interested allows me to fully empathise with the wishes of the customer. Our first conversation consists of a brainstorming session.

By asking many questions and listening carefully to the answers, clients naturally start to think more freely. On the basis of information gained through this session and following approval of a quotation based on a specific cost estimate, the team starts work on an internal design, including 3D drawings. This will then be presented to the customer, together with a mood board to set the atmosphere.

Throughout this presentation we are open to feedback from the client in order to make any necessary changes. After discussing and mapping out all the desires we will give a final presentation, including a lighting plan and a proposal for colours and materials. Visualisation plays a major role during the entire interior design process. By literally illustrating our ideas we help the customer understand exactly how – and, more importantly, why – the design has come to be.

I find it fascinating to see what happens when I slightly try to pull my conversation partners out of their comfort zone. The best ideas are created by thinking outside the box. Even after all these years, this way of working is still very satisfying to me and to my team: we get to contribute to the welfare of other people. The more comfortable you live or work, the happier you are.”

Wildenberg Stan kantoor interieur presentatie huis Leusden schetsrol

Technical design

In this phase we take the client through the technical part of the design. The interior design is elaborated in detail on large working drawings, including a lighting and electricity plan. Dedicating a great deal of attention to the accuracy and details of the drawings will ensure a smooth construction process and allows us to monitor everything to the last details. The result is a rock-solid design that fits the presentation of the interior design.

We work with a large network of regular suppliers, allowing us to keep a tight grip on the right price/quality ratio. This is also the phase where we apply for any necessary permits and where we align the corresponding planning with all parties working on site. Our team is involved from A to Z and bears final responsibility.

Wildenberg interieurarchitect schets overleg

Supervision of construction

During construction we contribute to ensuring a correct realisation of the interior design. Quality, planning and budget are strictly monitored. This is a beautiful stage, as all technical and financial aspects are set and decided on, allowing the construction team to get to work. For any project to be successful, project management is key.

Our own project team, headed by our own project manager or construction supervisor, is responsible for all matters related to construction, both on the building site and behind the scenes. This means that we are responsible for all communication and direction between the parties performing the work and the client. We are the liaison between all involved parties and fully unburden the client in this regard for the entire duration of the project. Our pragmatic and result-oriented approach results in us directing the entire process, regardless of the circumstances that arise. This allows us to be flexible and adapt where needed, offering smart solutions whenever the project or situation calls for them, and in doing so deliver great added value to the client.

An extra service is final styling, whereby we can help making choices for furniture, accessories and for example art.



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